Today we are featuring Seth's Elite Senior Session and sharing our top 5 tips for planning a session for a senior guy!
#1- ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT! I know with boys it's easy to assume they don't care- they probably don't care much but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have some input. I like to start big and then narrow it down. I usually say "If you could have any location or anything specific in your session- what would it be?" Then we work on how to make that happen. But if you don't ask them they they REALLY won't care because it isn't their session- it's yours. The worst they can say is that they don't care and then we really do move on but first and foremost- ask them!
#2- Suits matter. I know. I have a son. I know that 99% of teenage boys do not want to wear a suit. (Heck- 99% of men everywhere feel that way no matter the age!) However, suits make a huge statement in your senior pictures. You can never go wrong with getting a few images to use in professional headshots plus it makes a really great statement that you cared enough to wear something other than shorts. I promise- you will only be in the suit for a little bit then we will move on to something more comfortable. But suits always look good. Always.
#3- Vehicles. This is a big one with senior guys so here are a couple of things to think about when planning a vehicle in your photos.
*Clean it up- inside and out. Most clean up the outside- it's kind of a duh thing. However, items hanging inside the truck will be visible in your images and make them look cluttered. Take out parking passes, anything hanging from your rear view mirror and hangers with clothes.
*The size of the vehicle matters. These are big items and as such, we need to know beforehand that you want them in pictures because I can't just stick a massive truck just anywhere. We need to plan this out before the session. Giant Dodge Ram trucks do not go where I pose smaller Mustangs. Size, color and the type of vehicle matters.
#4- Sports. When photographing sports related images, here are a few tips to make the most out of your photo time.
*Ask permission from the coaching staff to get onto the field well in advance of the session. Showing up last minute and keeping your fingers crossed that we can get into a locked field or room never works out. Plus it annoys your coach and that is NEVER a good idea.
* Imagine that you are headed to a game or practice and are in charge of bringing all of the needed equipment. Footballs, basketballs, helmets, cleats and jerseys all make a big difference in the finished images. You can never bring too much stuff- worst case we just don't use everything. However, you can bring not enough! How strange would the image above look if Seth only showed up with his suit and not his gear? The answer- really strange and I wouldn't be showing it to you! But he came with everything he needed to finish the image and it looks complete.
*If you have awards from that sport- show them off! You've worked hard for those rings, trophies and medals. Bring them! Show off that bling- not everyone has it so be proud of your accomplishments. Also, letter jackets with all of your letters and patches sewn on is a great item to bring as well.
#5- Smile. I get it. This is NOT your idea of fun. However, your parents are paying a lot of money for these photos. Embrace it and I will make it go as quickly as possible. It won't be painful unless I have to spend a ton of time reminding you not to give me death stares! I get enough of those looks from my own kid. Smile and get it over with. Your mom and dad will thank you!
Thank you so much to each and every one of you who has booked a senior session with us. It means the world to us that you trust us with your memories. We still have a couple of open summer sessions and are booking fall sessions now as well. If you'd like more information on our Elite Senior Sessions, click Contact Us and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Please remember that we only have room for a select number of these sessions due to our wedding and travel schedule so it is truly first come, first serve. When the openings are gone, that's it so please don't wait until the last minute because we hate having to turn people down.