I'm not even sure where to start with this post. I could start by telling you that I had the hardest time ever narrowing down which images to share to just these 83 images from literally hundreds. I could tell you that the grape bridesmaids dresses were some of my favorite I have ever photographed or how Macy's dress was insanely stunning. I could tell you that there were so many groomsmen and ushers but that they were all shown up by the cutest ring bearer ever. Or maybe how my favorite moment of the morning was when Rita saw Macy in her dress for the first time and they both teared up. Yup, all of that. And more!
However, as usual, I am just going to stick with what my real talent is- photographs. Macy and Kaleb worked with some of my all time favorite vendors, and it shows in all of the final images. I am including a complete list below so be sure to check them all out!
Have a wonderful weekend, and I am off until Tuesday.
Macy's Hair and Makeup: Shellee Summersett of Leslie Hair and Makeup
Bridal Party Hair and Makeup: Shellee Summersett and Ashley Hankins
Videographer: BN Videography
Macy's Dress and tuxes: B.Loved Boutique
Bridemaids Dresses: Azazie Dresses
Wedding Stationery: Wedding Paper Divas
Macy's Shoes: TOMS
Catering: Schnitzelbank of Jasper
Hotel Accommodations: Hotel Indigo Columbus Architectural Center
Cake: Heartsville Sweets
Transportation: Carey International
Flowers: Pomp&Bloom

#MacyandKaleb #toastthethompsons17 #1492couples #1492bridetribe #1492brides #ShelleeSummersett #WeddingmakeupbyLeslieHairandMakeup #BNVideo #BLovedBoutique #AzazieDresses #WeddingPaperDivas #TOMS #Schnitzelbank #HotelIndigo #HeartsvilleSweets #MidnightExpress #CareyInternational #Columbusweddings #PompBloom #ColumbusWeddings #StPeters #BartholomewCountyFairGrounds