It’s Wednesday- we’ve made it half way through the week! Woohoo!
Okay, so last week I posted that I would be releasing information on our fall senior sessions as well as details about our senior rep program. Well, we’ve been getting so much interest in fall sessions that I thought sooner rather than later would be better. Here are our available fall senior session dates. Please note, some days 2 sessions are listed. If so, you have the option of an AM session or a PM session. When you message us, please tell us the date you’d like, AM or PM and your senior’s name and high school. We will be sorting through the messages as quickly as possible but please be patient with us. Because when I say us, you all know that really just means me. Also, as of right now we are not listing any sessions during the week of fall break but that is subject to change if we have enough interest.(And we are still looking for a senior that is going to Disney World over fall break so message me ASAP if you are!) I am still also trying to figure out if I will be doing a family trip that week so bear with me while I try to plan 6 months in advance!
Family sessions- we will be releasing this date probably next week once we get through the senior session emails.
So here you go- all of our available fall dates for 2018. (I still can’t believe we are booking these this far in advance- you guys are amazing!!)
October: 14-2 sessions 15-1 session 17- 1 session 21- 1 session 22- 1 session 24- 1 session
November: 4- 2 sessions 5- 1 session 7- 1 session 11- 1 session
Shew! That’s all folks! Once they’re gone (and trust me, they will be gone soon) that’s it! The only way I can add dates is if I find a way to add days to the calendar. Anyone know how to add an extra Saturday in every week?? Haha!
Also, since these dates are so limited, we are requiring a non-refundable deposit in order to save your date. Sorry, but we just don’t have room to have late minute cancellations.
Okay, so now it’s time to talk Senior Reps! We are looking for 2 Senior Reps for each area high school and as of right now, we have openings at all schools.
So what is a Senior Rep? Well, you’re basically a representative for 1492. We ask that you share your experience with your friends and fellow classmates and in exchange, for every session that books based on your referral we will give you a $25 credit towards your final order. Interested in more information? Click the Contact Us link and send us a message. In the message tell us which high school you go to so that we can keep track. We will send you information about all of the fine details. Easy peasy! Also, serious inquires only, please. Parents, don’t think your senior would be interested but you still want to earn free prints? Then sign them up and you take care of the referrals! I’m going to be honest- 90% of the time it’s the moms doing all the work anyhow.
And since no blog is complete without images- here a few of our favorites from one of our reps this year- Josh.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! -Nowelle