Happy Friday, everyone! We made it through the week- it's time to relax! (Unless you're like us and today actually marks the beginning of your work week in which case- Happy Monday!) We actually have weddings on both Saturday AND Sunday this weekend so be sure to follow us on our Instagram to see all of the fun behind the scenes from both of these stunning weddings! I cannot wait! A double dose of brides, flowers and cake!!
But first- Claire & Harrison's engagement session from this past Sunday! This adorable couple are our last wedding of the year this year- just days before Christmas and the plans for this wedding- woah!! Let's just say that this photographer is excited! It's going to be amazing!!
We shot their session at a private farm at sunset and I truly could not love their images more if I tried! you'd never guess that we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes! That's okay, all of those itchy bites were totally worth it when you have an end product like this!
Thank you so much for holding the pose while under attack you guys! Haha! I cannot wait for your stunning Christmas wedding!